Grade 9

Virual Labs


Class 9 - Mathematics

Operations on Real Numbers

Class 9 - Mathematics

Plotting a Point

Class 9 - Mathematics

Eudlid’s Axioms

Class 9 - Mathematics

Pair of Angles

Class 9 - Mathematics

Types of Quadrilaterals

Class 9 - Mathematics

Circle and it’s related terms

Class 9 - Mathematics

Application of Heron’s Formula

Class 9 - Mathematics

Collection of Data

Class 9 - Mathematics

Remainder Theorem

Class 9 - Mathematics

Solution of a Linear Equation

Class 9 - Mathematics

Solution of a Linear Equation

Class 9 - Mathematics

Inequalities in a Triangle

Class 9 - Mathematics

Triangles on the same base

Class 9 - Mathematics

Basic Constructions

Class 9 - Mathematics

Volume of a Cuboid

Class 9 - Mathematics



Class 9 - Physics

Collection of Data

Class 9 - Physics

First Law of Motion – Demo

Class 9 - Physics

Range of Hearing

Class 9 - Physics

First Law of Motion – Demo

Class 9 - Physics



Class 9 - Chemistry

Constant Proportions

Class 9 - Chemistry

Atomic Mass Number

Class 9 - Chemistry

States of Matter

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